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First Year Portfolio

California Polytechnic State Universtiy- San Luis Obispo


Pier Project | slipCASE | paraSITE | Design Village | Peach Project




Our first group project within studio was being divided up into teams of 4 or 5 and being assigned a portion of the San Luis Pier. During our initial site visit we measured the site and produced sections and physical models of our portion. We had to coordinate with adjacent groups and agree on certain heights and dimensions. From there we redesigned our portion of the pier and created an interactive space that would allow the users to listen to and manipulate the sound of water.  

Pier Project

Fall Quarter 2013


Anchor 1
Anchor 6


Winter Quarter 2014


Anchor 2

Given the original task to buy a hardcover book, I was tentative to see where this project was going to take us.  The first step was [excavation] and I used grid lines and characteristics of the book to make the cuts deliberate.  The second step was [analog/digital] drawings of the excavated book.  The third step was [conjoin] and I analyzed the book's excavation to devise a slipCASE that could easily fit around the book and be taken off when needed. For the slipCASE show we were given the assignment of [GripSlip] where we had to devise a way to attach our book to the table and either have the book move or imply motion to the viewers.  The final [composite] drawing integrated the movement of the [GripSlip] with the static nature of a book. 


Winter Quarter 2014


Anchor 3

Within a group of four we were assigned a specific site within the Architecture Building. After analyzing the site we realized that the walkway served as a connection between the classroom spaces and the circulation and core located on the other side of the bridge. Our task was to create a temporary installation that could be installed, stay up throughout the week, and added more to the quality of the original site. After visiting junk yards we came across tire chains and tried to find a way to reestablish people's idea of how they can utilized.  Throughout the course of the project we punched holes into over 3,800 pennies and then we were able to string them together using wiring.  Our paraSITE's intention was to have the pennies shake in the wind and reflect the sunlight coming in to create a glow near the column.  

Anchor 4

Cal Poly each year holds a Design Competition within Poly Canyon that allows Cal Poly students and other universities to come and compete.  The challenging part is that you are designing a structure to sleep in overnight.  In a group of five we decided that we wanted to have our structure look like it was peeling up from the slope of the hillside.  Not knowing our specific site we had to find a way to account for the hillsides varying angles. In the end, we devised a removable bed that could slip into the three different knotch angles we created.  Having to transport our project two miles from the architecture building to Poly Canyon, we created a cart-like system that would allow the various pieces to be pushed up the hill to the site. Once we set up the project we were able to sleep peacefully and comfortably throughout the night. 

Design Village

Winter and Spring Quarter 2014


Anchor 5

Looking to the children's book, "James and the Giant Peach" for inspiration we began to analyze what level changes are necessary within a site.  We looked closely at the three main ideas of skin, flesh, and stone.  Given the choice of three different sites I analyzed "skin" as the exterior boundary between the outside and in, "flesh" as the transition, and "stone" as the place of arrival. From there I designed a space that would allow users to escape from the chaos of everyday life and be able to utilize the group or individual gathering spaces. Using the laser cutter for the first time I created a screen perforation that would allow light to reach the users within, but added a sense of privacy for the inhabitants. 

Peach Project

Spring Quarter 2014


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